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Get Beyond Your Barriers

We all like to believe that change is simple...

just Plan and Implement

... but we know different.

Every business is challenged by barriers the stand between their current state and where they want to get in their desired state.  It often takes an outside influence to get beyond the barriers of technology, communication, understanding, politics, resource contention, available leadership, accurate project planning, process engineering, risk and funding, to name a few.

We take a simple approach to deal with complicated factors.



Understand Your Barriers

Our interactive Workshop brings your staff together as they discuss the factors driving the need for change and specify what your desired state will be.

  • Evaluate the Current State
  • List the business drivers, requirements, Goals and priorities
  • Identify the gaps to Desired State
  • Identify the barriers to success
  • Outline the activities needed to achieve the Desired State

Roadmap & Report

Navigate Beyond Your Barriers

Using the information discovered in the Workshop, we create a report that includes a Roadmap of activities based on business priorities and natural prerequisites.

  • Summarize the actual Current State and effort needed to achieve the Desired State
  • Organize work effort into quick-win activities that get beyond the barriers
  • Provide a Roadmap of activities or projects and the business objectives the satisfy


Achieve Quick Success

We provide expert guidance so our clients achieve quick success as they execute the projects and activities on their Roadmap.

  • Address barriers throughout the project to increase the velocity of execution and meet challenging deadlines
  • Guide resources to mitigate risks
  • Manage iterations through each project or activity: Design, Develop, Test, Deploy, Monitor



Joe Leggiero


Serving North America from the Greater Atlanta Area


© 2019 Beyond the Barrier Advisors

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